Rise of Empires, also known as ROE, is a massive multi-player, real-time complex strategy war game, where the player takes on the role of the leader of a small town devastated by the invasion of the Eastern Dynasty. Players can build their own empire from the ruins, train soldiers, recruit legendary heroes, and engage with allies in endless war.
And with so many unique and interesting features like World Wide War, Powerful Dragons, Hero System, Alliance Warfare, realistic graphics, and strategic gameplay, the game gets a lot of help in becoming a really confusing, addictive glance. But while the Rise of Empires developer has mentioned that the official game is free to download, many players really want to know whether this game is really a free to play game or not.
One of the Amazon App Store users who tried the game said in review that, “Rise of Empires is gradually turning more and more into a pay to win game. Unless you have thousands of dollars to spend each month, you won’t be strong. Every week, something new is required to be competitive. The developers’ greed is ruining the game for me and many other players who have supported the game for a long time. “
So is it real? The answer to whether Rise of Empires is pay-to-win game or a free-to-play game can be found. Just scroll down…….
Rise of Empires is a free-to-play game until you make it a pay-to-win
According to the game description, the game Rise of Empires is free to download and also free to play, but it does offer in-app purchases of items and other gifts. However, thankfully, in-app purchases can be disabled through the device’s settings. So unless players want it, the Rise of Empires is not a pay to win game, and free-to-play players can still have a lot of fun, which has been proven.
But players who really want to excel in the game or want to build special buildings need to spend extra money. Because of this, many more premium perks are also given to the players. So basically, it is based on “Pay to Get More“.
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